Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Too Soon!

Winter is approaching, which means I am becoming pale, gaining my hibernation lbs (too cold to get to the gym!), and my HAIR is becoming VERY dingy looking from lack of some of that Vitamin D! ....or because i haven't been to the hair salon since July.. whoops.

So that of course got me thinking... my ends are completely dead and obviously need to be cut anyway, so when I am home for Thanksgiving break it is definitely one of my goals to get my HURRR DIDDD (hair done.) no WAY am I trusting any of these Canton wackjobs to touch my locks! that sounded prissy and picky but TRUST ME, when I say, you walk into these hair places and you want to run out screaming.

So, heres where I am.... last got my hair cut and highlighted in July (eeek!), hair is wayyy long, if pulled to the front, goes past my boobies, has grown out probably around 3-4 inches since cut, which means my ROOTS are terrible. Also, I've been using cheap/crappy shampoo (i AM a college student!) and that does not help things. Basically my hair looks scraggly and very dingy blonde.. not good.

So. Here is what I want.

Don't call me a freak, but there is this one GORGEOUS model that I see in every Michael Kors Ad year after year in every magazine I read (i.e. Glamour (fav), Cosmo, InStyle, maybe MarieClaire or the occasional TeenVogue). Not only do I loveeee the ads, but I love the way she looks in all of them, especially her hair!!

After a bit (ok... maybe it took me 20 minutes) of stalking on google (my recently googled:  michael kors model, hollywood michael kors ad, model in hollywood michal kors ad, gemma ward michael kors model, so on...) i found out who the model is .... Carmen Kass. Here is a sample of basically what i wished i looked like...

I'm look for a much shorter cut than I usually get, I always get it trimmed only up to 3 inches.... but I'm thinking about getting four or five inches off, just so its a bit below shoulder length, like she has above. It will make my hair much healthier and manageable.. i hope. 

Also, not the color!! I love the golden-honey blonde she has goin on here... heres another sample....

It's just so shimmery and summery looking... I have a good base going on so that if i ask for a little bit of chunkier (BUT STILL NATURAL!!!) highlights than usual i think it will look more bold, like hers. I always find that I come home from getting my hair done and i look in the mirror and im like wait... i look the same. did i really just drop 150 bucks to look just... fresher? Well, probably. and i DO wanna look "fresher" but i also want that refreshened look to be a bit different too! 
such a sucker for blonde i guess!

Give me some feedback!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010